Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ayo, I'm Back!

What's happening everybody? I'm back after two weeks of feeling like straight garbage. Okay, well I was actually sick for the last week, and just really lazy for a week before that.  What did I miss? Time for a lightning round:

  • Yesterday marked one year since the US government took credit for Bin Laden's death. (Or since George W. killed him with his bare hands in Iraq, according to teabaggers.)
  • Prosecutors in Florida finally press charges against George Zimmerman. (Or, exactly what they would have done in the first place if he was black, or Trayvon was white.)
  • Goodie Mob debuted a new song in a performance that Goodie Mob fans mostly found depressing. (Is he getting back at them for the title of that album they did without him?)

Sadly, both Dick Clark and Levon Helm passed during my absence. Dick Clark gets respect in my book for having an integrated audience on television, when people openly said the kind of racist things that would get even Glenn Beck fired today. Helm is most remembered as a guitarist, drummer, singer, and mandolin (among other instruments) player for The Band. After his cancer diagnosis in 1998, he fought back in truly inspiring fashion, performing regularly in the Midnight Ramble at his home studio to raise funds for his treatment. He went on to produce multiple solo albums for his remaining years. 

Both will be missed.

I leave you with "The Weight."