Friday, December 7, 2012

Watch 'Ya Big-Ass Back

Well that escalated quickly! Officer Rozay just cancelled two shows in North Carolina, supposedly due to death threats from the Folks. Between this and distributing drugs, the GD's are practically a charitable organization in my book. (Joking, obviously, but if you're a Disciple and you're reading this, thanks for both of those things.)

YouTube has a couple pages worth of search results if you type in "Rick Ross GD", and although some of them are repeats, for the most part, they're different versions of the same message, coming from different states. It sounds like Mr.Roberts may have been given the "opportunity" to agree to be extorted write a check to keep these guys off his back. Also, the few videos I watched all stated that this was not organized by Larry Hoover, which, as far as the law is concerned, is about as effective as those stupid ass Facebook posts about privacy.

I'm Still Here

I'm still around. I'm renaming my blog and working on a relaunch, but I'm nearly done. When I started this, I was aware of the My Little Pony community, a.k.a. 'Bronies', but I didn't think it was that large. I started seeing Twitter followers with cartoon ponies as their avatars who would seemingly unfollow after I posted anything political or music-related. (By the way, I don't me to offend any Bronies out there, I'm just not one.)  I intended for my the name to be a play on the word 'bro' but I clearly should have been a bit more selective, given the near-infinite permutations of bro with real names. (I probably should have had enough foresight to pick a different name entirely, but I'm not creative enough to come up with original material here, so what did you really expect?) Ultimately, I'm leaning toward using my real name, future employment be damned.

 We'll see how it all pans out. I really want to review the shit I liked this year, since everybody does that. I'm still not doing a ranked list. If I have a top-10 list on here, it's going to be a list of other year end lists, in order of pretentiousness. I'm predicting Pitchfork is going to walk away with that honor.