Friday, July 6, 2012

Hey Y'all!

Hey everyone. I've been away doing my actual job, or at least acting like it. What's been happening? It's hot as fuck out there, pretty much wherever you live, except for Seattle or Canada apparently. It's hot enough that I can't finish a large slurpie before it turns into half a cup of super-concentrated chemical juice (white people problems, I know), but I'm certainly not complaining because I have air conditioning. I've worked many a job in this weather, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure I never have to do that again. I grew up with parents who grew up without air, plus that shit was expensive, so they were pretty selective about turning it on. As the oldest I used my position to secure a spot in front of a box fan. For my first few years on my own, I was poor enough to have to run the air only when necessary, but had good enough credit (or bad enough, it was Discover) to get an air conditioner. That apartment was hot, but my heart goes out to you if you're living without AC or you're homeless. (I don't pray because I'm an atheist, and it's not like it would matter anyway. I do see several  homeless people asking for money pretty regularly, and I give two bucks and change to them in this weather, which is the only charity I completely trust. At least with that they can go into McDonald's and buy a big drink, and hang out indoors, since they're now customers. Or maybe just go buy Mad Dog. Either way, they feel a tiny bit better, at least temporarily Obviously, I'm not saving the world here.) So anyway, what else is going on? Time for a lightning round!
  • Adidas let a douchebag design a shoe with a handcuff, then cancelled them when people pointed out the obvious racist nature of such a product. This one really bugged me because I am a bit of a sneakerhead, but not one who's standing in any lines for shoes, or tracking down numbered editions. That shit is dumb Adidas should've known that these shoes would be fucking stupid, because the other Jeremy Scott shoes were also fucking stupid. They include the ones with ridiculous tongues, the ones with wings. The most concise comment on the topic had to be Byron Crawford, who pointed out how anyone who pays the $325 that these cost would actually be a slave. The first one here is the notorious shackle, the rest are other examples of Mr. Scott and Adidas' collaborative douchebaggery.

  • Bath salts are fucking everywhere! (Really, they've been everywhere for a minute, but the news and the police know about it now, and everyone's ready to go full retard on this issue.) The most publicized story was probably the guy yelling about Biggie and Pac in Georgia, but just look at how many different instances show up in a google search for the past week. So anyway, this is going to be a thing for at least the rest of the summer, and who knows how much longer.
  • And how could I not talk about the Affordable Care Act? (You know, Romneycare.) I'm writing something longer on this right now, so I don't want to go too deep on this one, but I'll give you the broad strokes. (Ha, broad strokes.) Anyway, I have a preexisting condition, so this is a game changer for me. The larger impact is interesting here for several reasons. This is a plan that requires you to have insurance (the mandate), and if you don't, you either have to pay a penalty if you can afford insurance, or you go on medicare. (There's more to it, but that's basically it.) Republicans are pissed because this has been their plan for 20 years, and they can't really do anything about it this fall because Romney enacted the same plan in Massachusetts and it's basically worked. So overall, watch out for some seriously incorrect descriptions of this bill, because the primary mission of the current republican party is to oppose everything Barry does.
  • Chris Rock got attacked on Twitter for telling the truth on the 4th of July. He pointed out that slaves were still slaves on the original Independence Day, and was promptly shouted at by numerous butthurt white people. He continued to not give a fuck.
Well, that's enough for now. Watch for more coming soon, because it looks like my job is on cruise control most of this summer. With this heat, you already know some dumb shit is gonna pop off. Ride out to Danny Brown's Grown Up.

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