Monday, February 11, 2013

Fuck It! We'll Do It Live!

Well folks, it's been quite some time. Kinda my style to just disappear for months at a time, but that all ends today. I've actually been away for a legitimate purpose this time, I'm going to be a father. As someone who has long taken pride in the fact that I could die at any time and not leave behind any unfulfilled responsibilities, this is a definite game-change for me. I don't know how this is going to change me, but fuck it. (Haha, butt fuck it, hahaha.)

Anyway, we'll see what happens. I'm going to be updating here daily, at least during the week, and you can expect an occasional weekend rant. Overall, the topics will stay the same - shit I'm in to, including:

  • Music, especially Hip Hop and Indie, but also the music industry and it's tomfoolery.
  • Sports, particularly during playoffs and concerning teams or players I root for or against. 
  • Drugs, mostly weed or psychedelics, or when legislation is concerned. 
  • Politics, specifically when I think both sides of the argument are wrong, and when other important stories are under-reported as a result. Case in point: Neither more nor fewer guns or gun laws are the solution to any pressing problem in this country, yet every media outlet would have you believe otherwise. 
  • Movies. I've got this idea in my head that one day I'm going to make a movie, and I've had it since the first time I saw "Clerks". If it ever happens, it'll be quite an experience, I'm sure. The way I see it, if a hack like Tucker Max can get a terrible movie made out of what I can only assume are well-embellished versions of things he did, I'm certain I can make a watchable movie out of my actual college career. 
  • Technology, especially when it has social or political implications. 
  • Cool shit. I like electronic gadgets. I like sneakers, to a certain point. (Sneaker culture has gotten fucking weird over the last decade.) I like cars a hell of  a lot, but I don't drive anything with a loud muffler, neon lights, or anything else that would cause a police officer to notice me. I like all of these things but I like not being a Kanye-level douche even more, so my taste is fairly subdued. 
So that's what you can expect from this blog. I've missed the opportunity to comment on several high-profile stories, so maybe I'll do a rundown tomorrow, unless something else interesting happens. Until then, I leave you with a good reason to never trust a church official. 

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