Friday, February 15, 2013

That Escalated Quickly

After a slow start, this week picked up momentum quickly. Lil' Wayne got into trouble for an Emmett Till reference, and then Officer Rawse condoned date rape via molly. (Here's something to think about: can you find a copy of "All About the Benjamins" where the line "stack chips like Hebrews" isn't censored? Did you even know that was the lyric? More on that another time.) Chris Dorner died, but not before the LAPD got in a few rounds of live target practice around the city. Tim Dog passed away, though sadly more people will probably remember him more for running scams than for "Fuck Compton". Oh, and something like 5000 Harlem Shake videos are being uploaded to YouTube every day, although I've yet to see a white person accurately perform the actual Harlem shake even once. But hey, it's Friday, and even if you didn't just get paid, here's a video for your weekend:

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